“Hey, so what’s new?”
That’s a pretty common greeting when you haven’t seen someone in a while.
See how we don’t ask:
“Hey, what’s old?”
or say,
“So, tell me something I know already”.
That’s because new is exciting! And that’s exactly why we as business owners should never rest on our laurels.
Social media is great for loads of reasons. Easily access our target market, huge potential to go viral, and it’s never been easier to get in front of the perfect prospect for our business.
…there are downsides.
First being – attention span. The TikTok brain phenomenon is going on in real time. Kids unable to watch movies, concentrate on their homework, or even watch a video longer than 90 seconds.
I wish we weren’t affected but we are.. All of our clients have a reduced attention span. Not out of desire. But because they NEED to.
How else are we to deal with ads machine-gun firing at you 24/7/365? You can’t!
So what’s the fix?
TikTok dancing. If you can’t beat em join em.
Just kidding.
There’s a better way.
The solution to the TikTok brain and miniscule attention span isn’t to just turn all your content into easily digestible cat food chunks of 60 seconds or less.
The solution is to offer a TON of different content.
Instead of 1 video. Give them 10.
Instead of 1 article. Give them 100.
Instead of 1 tweet. Give them 1000.
A really interested prospect will do their own research into your stuff. But there has to be enough for them to sink their teeth into.
They will go through your material. They’ll steel themselves and make it through their fill of your content.
It’s up to you to give them a buffet of options though. Not just a single appetizer..
So if you just have 1 ad… Then time to do at least 3 more different ones.
If you have just 1 video in your retargeting campaign? It’s time to do 5-10 others.
So go and be fruitful. With your content, obviously. Or be fruitful however else you’d like. No judgment here, I’m sure you’re responsible.
P.S. If you want to know how I would fix the ad fatigue problem in your business, feel free to get in touch. Fill out the form here and we’ll be in touch to see if we’re a good match.