Have you ever asked yourself if your advertising could use improvement? Most businesses are often unaware of their advertising mistakes.
In this article we’ll help raise awareness by showing you how to EASILY take your ads from a cost to an investment.
Advertising is pretty simple. It’s so simple in fact, most businesses miss the mark when pulling the trigger.
They lose the point of what ads are supposed to achieve; tangible and measurable results.
Too many ad spends don’t return the money put into them. Much less double or triple the amount spent. Turning would be advertising investments into marketing costs.
This is because the untrained eye doesn’t know what to do. And more importantly, what to avoid doing.
So the problem of overspending on marketing arises. It’s then labeled something like a brand awareness campaign.
And it seems the marketing budget for a lot of businesses is spent purely for awareness’s sake. Spending money on ads just so the market knows they exist. Never seeing those dollars multiply into profit.
Which may be perfect if the intent is to bleed money with no real desire to see $1 turn into $2 into $4 and so on. But I’d be willing to gamble that this actually isn’t a perfect scenario for your business.
I bet the perfect scenario is tangible and useful results from every cent put into advertising. AND seeing a return worth the money.
Call me crazy.
So how do we get perfect scenario results?
A key marker of ads that perform well is using language that the audience relates to.
Abandon descriptions of who your company is, how long you’ve been in business and you’ll leave room for your audience to pay attention to you.
Because after all, your business isn’t offering who you are or when you first opened.
Who you are and how long you’ve been in business may be important to you. But what you’re actually offering to your audience is a solution.
And THAT is much more valuable to them than your company bio.
So keep the ad’s focus on what you can do for your audience. With that you’ll have the most crucial element of a successful ad campaign nailed down.
You shouldn’t stop there though. Because this is where a lot of undershooting happens.
Once you’ve given them a reason to pay attention to your ad give them the chance to take action on your offer. Lend them an easy way to give you their information.
Don’t give them a scavenger’s list.
Having them spend more than 30 seconds to give you details of their family history, blood type and a dissertation on the environmental effects of the dodo bird extinction will result in an ignored offer
Make it simple and easy for them to say, “Hey, here’s my name and email address. Please contact me”.
That makes it easy for them to get their problem solved. It also makes your life easier by getting measurable ad performance.
From those measurements we can take your advertising to the moon and back.
We then know a whole slew of information about what works.
What doesn’t work.
Who it interests.
How interested they are.
And how we can improve or what needs done next.
These simple elements will be your north star guiding you to effective marketing.
They are the ideas that get results you may not have known were possible. With them you’ll be able to turn advertising costs into advertising investments.
There’s so many ways to do this and it’s very doable for every single business out there, including yours. If you’d like to know how we could help you with this in your business, get in touch with us today.
If you’re thinking about how to get more customers for less dollars then take a look at our Meta guide